This contains the states of everything but Lara * = sprite sequence; others are movable mesh objects 0: Lara 1: Lara pistol animation 2: Lara shotgun animation 3: Lara magnum animation 4: Lara Uzi animation 5: Lara / Lara's home appearance / Lara wounded / Lara turned to gold Various miscellaneous animations like: Being shaken about by tyrannosaur and giant mutant Picking up Scion pieces 6: Lara's evil twin mutant 7: Wolf 1: Walking 2: Running 3: Jumping 5: Stalking 6: Jumping and attacking 7: Attacking 8: Lying down 9: Getting ready to strike 10: Running jump 11: Dying 12: Biting 8: Bear 0: Walking on all fours 1: Getting back to all fours 2: Walking on hind legs 3: Running on all fours 4: Rearing up on hind legs 5: Growling 6: Running and attacking 7: Standing on hind legs 8: Biting 9: Dying 9: Bat 1: Starting to fly 2: Flying straight 3: Biting 4: Circling 5: Dying 10: Crocodile (on land) 1: Stationary 2: Walking 3: Walking 4: Turning 5: Biting 7: Dying 11: Crocodile (in water) 1: Swimming 2: Biting 3: Dying 12: Lion (male) 1: Standing 2: Walking 3: Leaping 4: Leaping and biting 5: Dying 6: Biting 7: Snarling 13: Lion (female) 1: Standing 2: Walking 3: Leaping 4: Leaping and biting 5: Dying 6: Biting 7: Snarling 14: Panther 1: Standing 2: Walking 3: Leaping 4: Leaping and biting 5: Dying 6: Biting 7: Snarling 15: Gorilla 1: Standing on all fours 3: Running on all fours 4: Walking on legs (attacking?) 5: Dying 6: Thumping chest 7: Waving arms 8: Turning leftward? 9: Turning rightward? 10: Jumping up and waving arms 11: Climbing 16: Giant Rat (on land) 1: Standing 2: Jumping and Biting 3: Running 4: Biting 5: Dying 6: Rearing up 17: Giant Rat (in water) 1: Swimming 2: Biting 3: Dying 18: Tyrannosaur 1: Standing 2: Walking 3: Running 5: Dying 6: Bellowing 7: Biting 8: Shaking Head and Spitting Out 19: Raptor 0: Dying 1: Standing 2: Walking 3: Running 4: Jumping and Biting? 6: Bellowing 7: Running and snarling 8: Biting 20: Winged mummy / Winged mutant 1: Crouching 2: Walking 3: Running 4: Biting? 6: Looking 7: Jumping? 8: Clawing? 9: Aiming right-hand gun 10: Aiming and firing left-hand gun 11: Firing right-hand gun 12: Standing 13: Flying 21: Lara's hips [Only one state] 22: Lara's hips [Only one state] 23: Centaur mutant 1: Standing 2: Firing 3: Galloping 4: Aiming 5: Dying 6: Rearing up 24: Mummy 1: Standing 2: Falling forward 27: Larson 0: Walking 1: Standing holding gun 2: Walking 3: Running 4: Aiming gun 5: Injured by gunshot / Dying 6: Standing 7: Firing gun 28: Pierre 1: Standing 2: Walking 3: Running 4: Aiming guns 5: Dying 6: Putting guns away 7: Firing guns 29: Skateboard 0: Being turned around 1: Stationary 2: Stationary 3: Stationary 4: Stationary 30: Skateboard kid 0: Turning and Aiming? 1: Firing 2: Skating 3: Aiming 4: Firing 5: Dying 31: Cowboy 1: Aiming 2: Walking 3: Running 4: Aiming 5: Dying 6: Firing 32: "Mr. T" 0: Dying 1: Standing 2: Walking 3: Running 4: Aiming 6: Firing 33: Winged Natla (actually, Natla plus a winged mutant) 1: Standing 2: Flying 3: Running 4: Aiming and firing 5: "Dying" the first time 7: Spinning around in air 8: Standing 9: Dying for real 34: Giant mutant 0: Dying 1: Sitting on floor 2: Pulling self forward 4: Slapping with right hand 5: Slapping with both hands 6: Making big wave with right hand 8: Dropping to floor after hatching 9: Raising arms 11: Shaking victim with right hand 35: Collapsible floor 0: Stationary 1: Shaking 2: Falling 3: Settling down 36: Swinging blade 0: Stationary 2: Swinging 37: Spikes [Only one state] 38: Boulder 0: Stationary 1: Rolling 39: Dart [Only one state] 40: Wall-mounted dartgun 0: Idle? 1: Firing? 41: Door (opens upward) 0: Upward 1: On side 42: Slamming doors 0: Open 1: Closed 43: Sword of Damocles [Only one state] 44: Thor's hammer's handle 0: Stationary in "up" position 1: Moving down a little and returning 2: Moving down all the way 3: Stopped at "down" position 45: Thor's hammer's block 0: Stationary 1: Moving down a little and returning 2: Moving down all the way 46: Lightning ball / Some kind of box? [Only one state] 47: Metal rod? / Powered mining cart 0: Stationary 1: Moving 48: Movable cubical block (pushable) 0: Stationary 1: Being pulled? 2: Being pushed? 49: Movable cubical block (pushable) 0: Stationary 1: Being pulled? 2: Being pushed? 50: Movable cubical block (pushable) 0: Stationary 1: Being pulled? 2: Being pushed? 51: Movable cubical block (pushable) 0: Stationary 1: Being pulled? 2: Being pushed? 52: Movable tall block 0: Stationary 1: Moving forward? 2: Moving backward? 53: Pieces of something? 0: Stationary 1: Falling 2: Settling down 54: Sword of Damocles [Only one state] 55: Above-water switch 0: Off 1: On [states may be reversed] 56: Underwater switch 0: Off 1: On [states may be reversed] 57: Door 0: Closed 1: Open 58: Door 0: Closed 1: Open 59: Door 0: Closed 1: Open 60: Door 0: Closed 1: Open 61: Door 0: Closed 1: Open 62: Door 0: Closed 1: Open 63: Door 0: Closed 1: Open 64: Door 0: Closed 1: Open 65: Trapdoor (opens downward) 0: Closed 1: Open 66: Trapdoor (opens downward) 0: Closed 1: Open 68: Bridge (flat) [Only one state] 69: Bridge (slope = 1) [Only one state] 70: Bridge (slope = 2) [Only one state] 71: Passport (opening up) [Only one state] 72: Compass [Only one state] 74: Cogs (animated) 0: Stationary 1: Turning 75: Cogs (animated) 0: Stationary 1: Turning 76: Cogs (animated) 0: Stationary 1: Turning 77: Lara in CS / Scion holder in CS 78: Larson in CS / Natla in CS / Scion holder in CS 79: Larson's gun in CS / Scion in CS / Natla in CS 80: Scion in CS 81: Passport (closed) [Only one state] 82: N-thingy (Playstation memory card?) [Only one state] 83: Save crystal [Only one state] 84: * Pistols 85: * Shotgun 86: * Magnums 87: * Uzis 88: * Pistol ammo(?) 89: * Shotgun ammo 90: * Magnum ammo 91: * Uzi ammo 93: * Small medipack 94: * Large medipack 95: Sunglasses [Only one state] 96: Cassette player and headphones [Only one state] 97: Direction keys [Only one state] 99: Pistol [Only one state] 100: Shotgun [Only one state] 101: Magnum [Only one state] 102: Uzi [Only one state] 103: Pistol ammo(?) [Only one state] 104: Shotgun ammo [Only one state] 105: Magnum ammo [Only one state] 106: Uzi ammo [Only one state] 108: Small medipack [Only one state] 109: Large medipack [Only one state] 110: * Puzzle 1 111: * Puzzle 2 112: * Puzzle 3 113: * Puzzle 4 114: Puzzle 1 [Only one state] 115: Puzzle 2 [Only one state] 116: Puzzle 3 [Only one state] 117: Puzzle 4 [Only one state] 118: Slot 1 empty [Only one state] 119: Slot 2 empty [Only one state] 120: Slot 3 empty [Only one state] 121: Slot 4 empty [Only one state] 122: Slot 1 full [Only one state] 123: Slot 2 full [Only one state] 124: Slot 3 full [Only one state] 125: Slot 4 full [Only one state] 126: * Pickup 1 127: Pickup 1 [Only one state] 128: Lara's hips [Only one state] 129: * Key 1 130: * Key 2 131: * Key 3 132: * Key 4 133: Key 1 [Only one state] 134: Key 2 [Only one state] 135: Key 3 [Only one state] 136: Key 4 [Only one state] 137: Lock 1 [Only one state] 138: Lock 2 [Only one state] 139: Lock 3 [Only one state] 140: Lock 4 [Only one state] 143: * Scion Piece 146: Complete Scion [Only one state] 147: Scion Holder [Only one state] 150: Scion Piece [Only one state] 151: * Flare(?) / Explosion 153: * Splash 155: * Bubbles 156: * Bubbles 158: * Blood splatter 160: * Flying disk 161: Centaur statue [Only one state] 162: Shack suspended from wire rope 0: Starting position 1: Dropping after first fuse 2: Dropping after second fuse 3: Dropping after third fuse (to ground) 4: On the ground 163: Mutant egg and holder (normal size) 0: Starting to hatch 1: Hatching (is the fragmenting hardcoded?) 164: * Bullet hit 165: * Sparkle 166: Gunflare [Only one state] 169: Lara's hips [Only one state] 170: Lara's hips [Only one state] 172: Mutant bullet [Only one state] 173: Mutant grenade [Only one state] 176: * Splatter 177: Lara's hips [Only one state] 178: * Fire 179: Lara's hips [Only one state] 180: Flowing Atlantean lava [Only one state] 181: Mutant egg and holder (big) 0: Starting to hatch 1: Hatching (is the fragmenting hardcoded?) 182: Motorboat 1: Stationary (initial) 2: Moving 3: Stationary (final) 183: Lara's hips [Only one state] 189: Shrinking wedge? [Only one state] 190: * Standard symbols 191: * Plant 1 192: * Plant 2 193: * Plant 3 194: * Plant 4 195: * Plant 5 200: * Bag 1 204: * Bag 2 207: Gunflare [Only one state] 212: * Rock 1 213: * Rock 2 214: * Rock 3 215: * Bag 3 216: * Pottery 1 217: * Pottery 2 231: * Painted pot 233: * Inca mummy 236: * Pottery 3 237: * Pottery 4 238: * Pottery 5 239: * Pottery 6